
Mortal Kombat X: How to Play Jax



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mortal kombat jax

Jax’s Wrestler variation is exactly what you’d expect it to be. While he is still able to use his long range Energy Wave attack, this build is focused on getting up-close and personal to other fighters in order dish out some serious damage. Grabs and devastating blows are what Jax is all about here.

Energy Wave: Down, Back, Triangle

Ground Pound: Down, Down, Circle

Dash Punch: Back, Forward, Triangle

Major Pain: Back, Forward, Circle

Gotcha Grab: Down, Back, Square

Back Breaker: (Air), Down + L1


Heavy Weapons

mortal kombat jax

Heavy Weapons on the other hand, is for those who feel Jax is best used as a long range fighter. A machine gun and rocket launcher provide Jax with some explosive, ranged capabilities. Sometimes getting close isn’t an easy thing to do, so why not bring a gun to a fist fight?

Ground Pound: Down, Down, Circle

Dash Punch: Back, Forward, Triangle

Major Pain: Back, Forward, Circle

Gotcha Grab: Down, Back, Square

L.A.W. Rocket: Down, Back, Triangle

Machine Gun: Back, Forward, X


Pumped Up

mortal kombat jax

Pumped Up takes Jax’s Wrestler variation and turns the dial all the way up to 11. Jax is back to being his primarily face-punching self only this time more powerful. While Wrestler is balanced, Pumped Up is geared towards staying close for the entirety of the fight. Not for the faint of heart, only for those who want people to feel what Jax has in store for them.

Energy Wave: Down, Back, Triangle

Dash Punch: Back, Forward, Triangle

Major Pain: Back, Forward, Circle

Ground Tremor: Down, Down, Circle

Super Gotcha: Down, Back, Square

Air Drill Slam: (Air), Down, Down, Circle


X-Ray and Finishers

mortal kombat jax


  1. (Close-range) Forward, Back, Down, Triangle
  2. (Close-range) Down, Back, Forward, Forward


    1. Back, Forward, Triangle, Down

X-Ray (L2+R2 with full meter)

Jax’s X-Ray attack begins with a lunge towards his opponent that ends in an overhead smash. He is actually invulnerable during this brief moment but his X-Ray attack can still be blocked or dodged. It has a pretty short range so not useful if you’re trying to finish off an opponent more than 3 paces away from you. But, if it does connect, players will get to see one of the most brutal powerbombs ever known to mankind.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
